Sažetak | Prženje kave, jednog od najpopularnijih napitaka na svijetu, stvara značajne nusproizvode, poput ljuski, čija upotreba ima potencijal smanjenja negativnih utjecaja na okoliš. U ovom istraživanju analiziran je sastav masnih kiselina i aminokiselina u nusproizvodima (BP), te u sirovoj (BR), svijetlo prženoj (LR) i tamno prženoj (DR) kavi. Dominantne masne kiseline u tim uzorcima uključuju C18:2, C16:0, C18:1 i C18:0. U LR i DR uzorcima, nezasićene masne kiseline, osobito C18:2 i C18:1, činile su 52,11-53,95% ukupnih masnih kiselina, dok su u BP uzorcima bile prisutne u manjoj mjeri, oko 35%. BR kava sadržavala je pretežno zasićene masne kiseline, s C16:0 kao najdominantnijom (66,84%). Dodatno, masne kiseline kao što su C20:0, C21:1, C20:4 i C22:0 bile su uglavnom prisutne u BP uzorcima, s visokim udjelom C22:0 od 17,01%. Analiza aminokiselina pokazala je manje razlike između BR, pržene kave i BP, pri čemu su glutamin (15,81-20,16%) i glicin (12,71-14,88%) bili najzastupljeniji. BR kava imala je nešto više arginina, treonina (10,59%) i lizina (2,98%). Iako su profili aminokiselina slični, koncentracija u BP bila je 2,5 do 3 puta niža. Nusproizvodi kave pokazuju potencijal kao jeftin izvor masti i aminokiselina te bi mogli biti korisni kao funkcionalni sastojak hrane. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Roasting coffee, one of the most popular beverages in the world, creates significant by-products, such as husks, the use of which has the potential to reduce negative environmental impacts. In this research, the composition of fatty acids and amino acids in by-products (BP), and in raw (BR), light roasted (LR) and dark roasted (DR) coffee was analyzed. The dominant fatty acids in these samples include C18:2, C16:0, C18:1, and C18:0. In LR and DR samples, unsaturated fatty acids, especially C18:2 and C18:1, accounted for 52.11-53.95% of total fatty acids, while in BP samples they were present to a lesser extent, around 35%. BR coffee contained mostly saturated fatty acids, with C16:0 as the most dominant (66.84%). Additionally, fatty acids such as C20:0, C21:1, C20:4 and C22:0 were mostly present in BP samples, with a high proportion of C22:0 at 17.01%. Amino acid analysis showed smaller differences between BR, roasted coffee and BP, with glutamine (15.81-20.16%) and glycine (12.71-14.88%) being the most abundant. BR coffee had slightly more arginine, threonine (10.59%) and lysine (2.98%). Although the amino acid profiles were similar, the concentration in BP was 2.5 to 3 times lower. Coffee by-products show potential as a cheap source of fats and amino acids and could be useful as a functional food ingredient. |