Sažetak | U ovom radu proučavani su hlapljivi spojevi dviju samoniklih biljaka rasprostranjenih u mediteranskom dijelu Hrvatske, kapara (Capparis orientalis Veill.) i motara (Crithmum maritimum L.). Hlapljivi spojevi izolirani su dvjema metodama, vodenom destilacijom i mikroekstrakcijom vršnih para na krutoj fazi (HS-SPME). Dobiveni uzorci hlapljivih spojeva, eterična ulja i vršne pare, analizirani su vezanim sustavom plinska kromatografija-spektrometrija masa (GC-MS). Glavni sastojci eteričnog ulja listova i cvjetnih pupova kapara su diterpenski alkohol fitol (62,9 %, odnosno 24,3 %) i ciklooktasumpor, S 8 (14,7 %, odnosno 24,0 %), dok su glavni sastojci eteričnog ulja plodova kapara masne kiseline, dodekanska ili laurinska kiselina (38,7 %) i tetradekanska ili miristinska kiselina (24,7 %). Glavni sastojak vršnih para listova, cvjetnih pupova i plodova kapara je metil-izotiocijanat (87,3 %, 96,2 % i 96,4 %), razgradni produkt glukozinolata trivijalnog imena glukokaparin. Metil-izotiocijanat nije identificiran u eteričnim uljima kapara. Za razliku od eteričnog ulja i vršnih para kapara u kojima su identificirani spojevi iz različitih skupina prirodnih organskih spojeva, sastojci eteričnog ulja i vršnih para motara su gotovo isključivo terpeni. Glavni sastojak eteričnog ulja i vršnih para listova motara je monoterpenski ugljikovodik limonen (50,0 %, odnosno 56,5 %). Ostali kvantitativno značajni sastojci identificirani u eteričnom ulju su germakren B (10,4 %) sabinen (7,2 %) i cis-ocimen (5,9 %), a u vršnim parama sabinen (26,4 %) i cis-ocimen (8,1 %). Glavni sastojci eteričnog ulja i vršnih para cvjetova motara su monoterpenski ugljikovodici. U eteričnom ulju cvjetova to su limonen (47,4%), sabinen (17,3 %), α-pinen (8,8 %), a u vršnim parama također limonen (62,8 %), sabinen (17,1 %) i α-pinen (5,3 %). |
Sažetak (engleski) | In this study, volatile compounds from two wild-growing plants widespread in the Mediterranean part of Croatia, caper plants (Capparis orientalis Veill.) and sea fennel (Crithmum maritimum L.), were investigated. Volatile compounds were isolated by two methods, hydrodistillation and headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME). Analysis of all samples, essential oils and headspaces, was carried out by gas chromatography with a mass spectrometry detector (GC/MS). The main constituents in essential oils of caper leaves and flower buds were diterpene alcohol phytol (62,9 % and 24,3 %, respectively) and cyclic octaatomic sulfur, S 8 (14,7 % and 24,0 %, respectively), while the main constituents of caper fruits essential oil were fatty acids, namely dodecanoic or lauric acid (38,7 %) and tetradecanoic or myristic acid (24,7 %). The predominant compound in headspaces of caper leaves, flower buds and fruits was methyl-isothiocyanate (87,3 %, 96,2 % and 96,4 %, respectively), degradation product of glucosinolate with trivial name glucocapparin. Methyl-isothiocyanate was not identified in all studied caper essential oils. In contrast to the essential oils and headspaces of capers, in which compounds from different groups of natural organic compounds have been identified, the constituents of the essential oils and headspaces of sea fennel were almost exclusively terpenes. The major constituent in essential oil and headspace of sea fennel leaves was monoterpene hydrocarbon limonene (50,0 % and 56,5 %, respectively). Other quantitatively important constituents identified in essential oil were germacrene B (10,4 %), sabinene (7,2 %) and cis-ocimene (5,9 %), and in headspace sabinene (26,4 %) and cis-ocimene (8,1 %). Monoterpene hydrocarbons were qualitatively and quantitatively the most important ingredients of essential oil and headspace of sea fennel flowers. The main constituents of essential oil were limonene (47,4%), sabinene (17,3 %), α-pinene (8,8 %). The main constituents of headspace were also limonene (62,8 %), sabinene (17,1 %) and α-pinene (5,3 %). |