Abstract | Alge su višestanični autotrofni fotosintetski organizmi. Osnovna podjela je na mikro i makroalge. Osim navedene podjele, alge se dijele prema dominirajućem pigmentu na: zelene (Chlorophyta), crvene (Rhodophyta) i smeđe (Phaeophyta). Smeđe alge sadrže karotenoid fukoksantin koji prekriva zelenu boju klorofila i daje im karakterističnu boju. Pričvršćene su na podlogu (bentos) npr. kamenja, stijene ili pak druge alge. Halopteris scoparia (Linnaeus) Sauvageau, 1904 je smeđa alga. Raste u širokom temperaturnom rasponu na području diljem Europe, Baltika (sjeverna granica distribucije) te Nigerije (južna granica distribucije). H. scoparia svoju primjenu pronalazi u prehrambenoj, farmaceutskoj i kozmetičkoj industriji i ekologiji. Analizom provedenom na svježim i suhim uzorcima H. scoparia sa dvije lokacije uočena je razlika u kemijskom profilu isparljivih spojeva s obzirom na lokaciju rasta. Isparljivi spojevi izolirani su metodom hidrodestilacije i analizirani plinskom kromatografijom sa spektrometrijom masa. Usporedbom dobivenih podataka kemijskog profila uočena je razlika u sadržaju alifatskih nezasićenih i zasićenih spojeva, derivata benzena, terpena i derivata klorofila. Uzorci H. scoparia s područja obale otoka Čiovo bogatiji su alifatskim nezasićenim spojevima (42,06%, svježe; 36,82%, suho) od uzoraka s područja Zadar, Punta Bajlo (28,87%, svježe; 23,03%, suho). Također, razlika u kemijskim profilima uočava se kod zastupljenosti derivata klorofila. U uzorku s područja Zadar, Punta Bajlo zastupljenost navedenih spojeva bila je gotovo dvostruko veća (19,13%, svježe; 14,03%, suho) nego u uzorku s područja obale otoka Čiovo (7,89%, svježe; 11,72%, suho). Na osnovu provedenog istraživanja može se zaključiti da lokacija rasta utječe na kemijski profil alge H. scoparia. |
Abstract (english) | Algae are multicellular autotrophic photosynthetic organisms. The basic division of algae is into micro and macroalgae. In addition to the above division, they are divided according to the dominant pigment into: green (Chlorophyita), red (Rhodophyta) and brown (Phaeophyta). Brown algae contain carotenoid fucoxanthin which covers green color of chlorophyll and gives their characteristic color. They are attached to the base (bentos) like stones, rocks or other algae. Halopteris scoparia (Linnaeus) Sauvageau, 1904 is brown alga. It grows in a wide temperature range across Europe, the Baltcis (northern limit of distribution) and Nigeria (southern limit of distribution). H. scoparia finds its application in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries and ecology. The analysis performed on fresh and dry samples of H. scoparia from two locations showed a difference in the chemical profile with respect to the location of growth. The volatile compounds were isolated by hydrodistillation and analyzed by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry. A comparison of the obtained chemical profiles showed a difference in the content of aliphatic unsaturated and saturated compounds, benzene derivatives, terpenes and chlorophyll derivatives. The sample of H. scoparia from the coast of the island Čiovo are richer in aliphatic unsaturated compounds (42,06%, fresh; 36,82%, dry) than the sample from area of Zadar, Punta Bajlo (28,87%, fresh; 23,03%, dry). Also, the difference in the profile is observed in the presence of chlorophyll derivatives. In the sample from area of Zadar, Punta Bajlo the prevalence of these compounds was almost twice as high (18,13%, fresh; 14,03%, dry) than in the sample from the coast of the island Čiovo (7,89%, fresh: 11,72%, dry). Based on the above it can be concluded that the location of growth and the environment affect the chemical profile of the alga H. scoparia. |