Abstract | Alge su skupina pretežno vodenih, fotosintetskih autotrofnih organizama. Većina algi žive u morima i oceanima dok preostali dio predstavljaju slatkovodne alge. Na osnovu fotosintetskih pigmenata alge dijelimo na smeđe, crvene i zelene. Smeđe alge sadrže pigment fukoksantin koji je zaslužan za njihovu zelenkasto-smeđu boju. Biološki su aktivne što je rezultat prisutnosti mnogih aktivnih spojeva primjerice fukoidana, sulfatiranog polisaharida koji je smješten u staničnoj stjenci smeđih algi. Rod Cystoseira obuhvaća oko 294 vrste i jedan je od najznačajnijih u obitelji Sargassaceae (nastala spajanjem obitelji Sargassaceae i Cystoseiraceae). Alga Cystoseira compressa pripada u razred Phaeophyceae, red Fucales te u rod Cystoseira. Cilj ovog rada bio je provesti analizu vršnih para alge C. compressa upotrebom GC-MS sustava sušene na tri različita načina. Mikroekstrakcijom vršnih para na čvrstoj fazi ekstrahirane su vršne pare uzoraka na DVB/CAR/PDMS i PDMS/DVB vlaknima radi potpunijeg profila vršnih para. Usporedbom dobivenih rezultata primijećeno je da u odnosu na sušene uzorke, svježi uzorci pokazuju višu koncentraciju terpena, norizoprenoida i alifatskih zasićenih spojeva, ali manju koncentraciju alifatskih nezasićenih spojeva. Iako se ukupni postotak identificiranih isparljivih organskih spojeva nije drastično razlikovao s obzirom na tehnike sušenja, primjetne su razlike u zastupljenosti određenih skupina spojeva. Uzorak sušen u pećnici pokazuje veću zastupljenost alifatskih zasićenih spojeva i terpena u usporedbi s liofiliziranim uzorkom, dok liofilizirani uzorak ima viši udio derivata benzena. Okt-1-en-3-ol je najzastupljeniji spoj u sušenim uzorcima izoliranim s oba tipa vlakana, dok ga je u svježem uzorku ima od 1,6-2,5 puta manje. U svježem uzorku, izoliranom na DVB/CAR/PDMS vlaknu, najdominantniji spoj je bio norizoprenoid β-jonon, čija se koncentracija smanjuje 5,9 do 6,9 puta nakon procesa sušenja. |
Abstract (english) | Algae are a group of primarily aquatic, photosynthetic autotrophic organisms. Most algae live in seas and oceans, with the remainder being freshwater algae. Based on their photosynthetic pigments, algae are categorized into brown, red, and green types. Brown algae contain the pigment fucoxanthin, which gives them their greenish-brown color. They are biologically active, due in part to the presence of fucoidan, a sulfated polysaccharide located in the cell walls of brown algae. The genus Cystoseira includes about 294 species and is one of the most important in the Sargassaceae family. The aim of this study was to perform an analysis of the headspace volatiles of C. compressa algae using a GC-MS system, dried in three different ways. A comparison of the obtained chemical profile data revealed that, compared to dried samples, fresh samples show a higher concentration of terpenes, norisoprenoids, and aliphatic saturated compounds but a lower concentration of aliphatic unsaturated compounds. Although the overall percentage of identified volatile organic compounds did not differ drastically between different drying techniques, notable differences were observed in the representation of certain compound groups. The oven-dried sample showed higher concentrations of aliphatic saturated compounds and terpenes compared to the lyophilized sample, while the lyophilized sample had a higher proportion of benzene derivatives. Okt-1-en-3-ol was the most abundant compound in the samples dried in the shade, in the oven, and in those that were lyophilized, for both fiber types. Its concentration was 1,6 to 2,5 times lower in the fresh sample. When the DVB/CAR/PDMS fiber was used in the fresh sample, the most dominant compound was the norisoprenoid β-jonone, whose concentration decreases 5,9 to 6,9 times after the drying process. |