pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn pmfst:1863 dissertation "The impact of submarine outfalls of treated wastewater on the microbial community structure and the resistome of the coastal marine environment" "Kvesić Ivanković, Marija" gradst:2755 "conference paper" "Vankomicin rezistentni Enterococcus faecium u priobalnim vodama istočnog Jadrana" "Dželalija, Mia; Kvesić, Marija; Maravić, Ana" ktfst:480 thesis "Sinteza i kemijska modifikacija derivata 2-(3-nitrobenzilidena) amino-1H-benzimidazola i njihova antibakterijska aktivnost" "Kvesić, Marija" pmfst:141 thesis "Antibiotska svojstva eritromicina, tetraciklina i streptomicina" "Kvesić, Marija"