Abstract | U ovom radu ispitivana su kemijska svojstva 45 različitih uzoraka soka šipka (14 hrvatskih sorti, 15 američkih sorti, 6 turskih sorti, 5 sorti s područja današnje Rusije, jedna španjolska sorta, dvije sorte divljeg šipka te dvije sorte nepoznatog porijekla) pri čemu je u uzorcima određen udio šećera, pH, ukupnih kiselina, indeks zrelosti te ukupni antocijani i fenoli. Rezultati su međusobno uspoređeni, s posebnim naglaskom na razlike u sastavu između hrvatskih sorti i sorti iz drugih regija. pH vrijednosti uzoraka kreću se u rasponu od 2,19 do 3,56 pri čemu je najniži pH izmjeren kod hrvatske sorte „Slatki tankokorac“ (2,19), a najviša vrijednost kod turske sorte „Fellahyemez“ (3,56). Najviši udio kiselina imali su uzorci soka divljeg šipka s Mljeta (3,84 g/100 mL) i iz Metkovića (3,24 g/100 mL). Najniži udio ukupnih fenola iznosio je 1989 mg GAE/L za sortu „Don Summer South“, dok je najviši određen u soku sorte „Comb’s sweet“ (5959 mg GAE/L) koja je imala i najviši udio antocijana (1201 mg M-3-g/L). Udio suhe tvari kretao se od 12,87 do 17,87 °Brix, dok se indeks zrelosti soka, određen kao omjer ukupne topljive suhe tvari i sadržaja ukupnih kiselina, kretao u rasponu od 3,99 (divlji šipak s Mljeta) do 102,5 (sorta „Thompson“). |
Abstract (english) | In this research work, the chemical properties of 45 different samples of pomegranate juice (14 Croatian varieties, 15 American varieties, 6 Turkish varieties, 5 varieties from the area of todays Russia, one Spanish variety, two wild pomegranate varieties, and two varieties of unknown origin) were analysed, whereby the sugar content, pH, total acids, maturity index, total phenolics and anthocyanins profile of the samples were determined. When comparing the results obtained, particular attention was paid to the differences in the composition of Croatian varieties and varieties from other regions. When determining the pH value, it was found that the pH values of the samples ranged from 2,19 to 3,56, with the lowest pH value measured in the Croatian variety „Slatki tankokorac“ (2,19) and the highest value in the Turkish variety „Fellahyemez“ (3,56). The highest acid content was found in wild pomegranate juice samples from Mljet (3,84 g/100 mL) and Metković (3,24 g/100 mL). The lowest content of total phenols was 1989 mg GAE/L in the „Don Summer South“ variety, while the highest content was found in the juice of the „Comb's sweet“ variety (5959 mg GAE/L), which also had the highest content of anthocyanins (1201 mg M-3-g/L). The dry matter ranged from 12,87 to 17,87 °Brix, while the maturity index, which is determined as the ratio between total soluble solids and total acid content, ranged from 3,99 (wild pomegranate from Mljet) to 102,5 („Thompson“ variety). |