Title Hlapljivi spojevi vinskog octa aromatiziranog ljutikom : diplomski rad
Title (english) Volatile compounds of wine vinegar flavored with shallots : diploma thesis
Author Nina Lucić
Mentor Mladenka Šarolić (mentor)
Committee member Ani Radonić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zvonimir Marijanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladenka Šarolić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Chemistry and Technology (Division of Engineering and Chemistry) Split
Defense date and country 2024-10-31, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Food Technology
Abstract Vinski ocat je proizvod koji je poznat od davnina, a koristi se kao dodatak prehrani i konzervans. Nastaje dvostrukom fermentacijom. Prva je alkoholna kojom se dobije vino, zatim octena fermentacija koja se odvija uz pomoć octenih bakterija. Osim od vina, odnosno grožđa, ocat se može napraviti od bilo koje sirovine bogatom šećerima. Ocat je proizvod koji ima potencijal predstavljanja na tržištu kao proizvod s dodanom vrijednošću na način da mu se
... More obogati kemijski sastav dodavanjem različitih vrsta voća ili povrća. Ljutika je zanemarena poljoprivredna kultura koja raste najčešće u priobalnom području Hrvatske. U Hrvatskoj postoje tri genotipa ljutike Allium cepa var. aggregatum, Allium x proliferum i Allium x cornutum. Ljutika je bogata fenolnim spojevima što je čini odličnim antioksidansom. Osim fenola, ima velik broj sumporovih spojeva, aminokiselina, vitamina i minerala. U ovom radu se provodila maceracija crvenog vinskog octa korištenjem dvije vrste ljutike; domaća ljutika s područja Omiša (vjerojatni genotip A. x cornutum) te ljutika kupljena u maloprodaji (vjerojatni genotip A. cepa var. aggregatum). Lukovice ljutike su macerirane u octu u različitim udjelima (10, 20, 30 i 40%) tijekom 9 mjeseci, a svaka 3 mjeseca su uzimani uzorci za analizu hlapljivih spojeva. U pripremljenim aromatiziranim octevima ekstrakcija hlapljivih spojeva provedena je metodom mikroekstrakcije vršnih para na krutoj fazi (HS-SPME), a analiza izoliranih spojeva korištenjem tehnike plinske kromatografije- spektrometrije masa (GC-MS). Dobiveni rezultati ovog eksperimenta su pokazali da se u vinskom octu nalazi 21 hlapljivi spoj, u domaćoj ljutici 15 i kupovnoj 13 spojeva. U octu najviše ima octene kiseline i estera. U ljutici prevladavaju sumporovi hlapljivi spojevi koji su tipični za rod Allium. Nakon maceracije lukovica u octu, ocat mijenja svoj sastav u kojem se smanjuje udio octene kiseline i povećava udio sumporovih spojeva tipičnih za ljutiku. Ocat mijenja svoj senzorski opis na sumporasto, luk i poriluk. Dužom maceracijom i većim udjelom lukovica u octu veći je udio sumporovih spojeva. Less
Abstract (english) Wine vinegar is a product that has been known since ancient times, and is used as a food supplement and preservative. It is produced by double fermentation. The first is alcoholic fermentation, which produces wine, followed by acetic fermentation, with help of acidic bacteria. Apart from wine or grapes, vinegar can be made from any raw material rich in sugars. Vinegar is a product that has the potential to be presented on the market as a
... More product with added value by enriching its chemical composition by adding different types of fruits or vegetables. Shallot is a neglected agricultural crop that grows mostly in the coastal area of Croatia. In Croatia, there are three shallot genotypes Allium cepa var aggregatum, Allium x proliferum and Allium x cornutum. Shallot is rich in phenolic compounds, which makes it an excellent antioxidant. In addition to phenols, it has a large number of sulfur compounds, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. In this thesis, maceration of red wine vinegar was carried out using two types of shallots; domestic shallots from Omiš area (probable genotype A. x cornutum) and shallots bought in retail (probable genotype A. cepa var. aggregatum). Shallot bulbs were macerated in vinegar in different proportions (10, 20, 30 and 40%) for 9 months, and samples were taken every 3 months for the analysis of volatile compounds. In the prepared aromatized vinegars, the extraction of volatile compounds was carried out using the method ofheadspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and the analysis of the isolated compounds using the technique of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results of this experiment showed that there are 21 volatile compounds in wine vinegar, 15 compounds in domestic shallots and 13 compounds in purchased shallots. Vinegar contains mostly acetic acid and esters. Volatile sulfur compounds that are typical of the genus Allium predominate in shallots. After the bulbs are macerated in vinegar, the vinegar changes its composition, in which the proportion of acetic acid decreases and the proportion of sulfur compounds typical of shallots increases. Vinegar changes its sensory description to sulphurous, onion and leek. Longer maceration and a higher proportion of bulbs in vinegar results in a higher proportion of sulfur compounds. Less
hlapljivi spojevi
vinski ocat
Keywords (english)
volatile compounds
wine vinegar
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:167:178875
Study programme Title: Graduate university study of Food technology - graduate - university Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/a inženjer/ka prehrambene tehnologije (magistar/a inženjer/ka prehrambene tehnologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Embargoed access Embargo expiration date: 2026-02-12
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Created on 2025-01-24 07:55:49