Abstract | Danas se ljudi pitaju kada su se pojavili prvi vegetarijanci i kada su nastali prvi pisani doku- menti o vegetarijanstvu. Vegetarijanstvo je bilo značajno i kroz prošlost tj. u Staroj Grčkoj kada je živio Pitagora koji je vjerovao u reinkarnaciji. Danas sve više i više ljudi prelazi na Pigorejski način života. Ve- getarijanci su poznati po tome što ne jedu meso, ali danas se sve više postavlja pitanje „Je li vegetarijanci jedu jaja, ribu, mlijeko i mliječne proizvode?“ Postoji više vrsta vegetarijanca. Imamo one koji jedu jaja i mliječne proizvode i ribu (ovolakto-vegetarijanci), zatim one koji jedu mliječne proizvode, ali ne i jaja (lakto-vegetarijanci) i oni koji se smatraju čistim vegetarijancima jer ne jedu meso, ribu, mlijeko, mliječne proizvode i jaja (vegani). Vegetarijanska prehrana ima dobar utjecaj na ljudski organizam, tako što smanjuje nastanak kardiovaskularnih bolesti, karcinoma, ali zato vegetarijanci u odnosu na svejede imaju manjak određenih nutrijenata u organizmu. . Cilj završnog rada je bio da ljude bolje upoznamo sa vegetarijanskom prehranom, djelovanje vegetarijanske prehrane na organizam, upoznat ih sa različitim vrsta vege-tarijanaca kao i sa oznakom na vegetarijanskim proizvodima. U sklopu završnog rada prove- dena je anketa pod nazivom „Vegetarijanstvo“ kako bi se dao uvid u poznavanje pojma „vegetarijanstvo“ te stav ispitanika o vegetarijanskoj prehrani. |
Abstract (english) | Today, people wonder when the first vegetarians appeard and when were the first written docu- ments about vegetarians created. Vegetarianism was also significant throught the past, in Aciant Greece when Pythagoras lived, who believed in reincarnation. Today, more and more people are switching to the Pythagorean way of life. Vegetarians are known for not eating meat, but today the question „Do vegetari- ans eat eggs, fish, milk and dairy products“ is increasingly being asked. There are several types of vegeta- rians. We have those who eat eggs, dairy products and fish (ovo-lacto-vegetarians), then those who eat dairy products but not eggs (lacto-vegetarians) and those who are considered pure vegetarians because they do not eat meat, fish, milk, dairy products and eggs (vegan). A vegetarian diet has a good effect on the human body, as it reduces the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and cancer, but that's why vegeta- rians, compared to omnivores, lack certain nutrients in the body. The goal of the final paper was to make people better acquainted with the vegetarian diet, the effect of the vegetarian diet on the body, to familia- rize them with different types of vegetarians, as well as with the label on vegetarian products. As part of the final paper, a survey called "Vegetarianism" was conducted in order to provide an in-sight into the knowledge of the term "vegetarianism" and the respondents' attitude towards vegetarian diet. |