@article{pmf:13265, author = {{Paut, Andrea and Guć, Lucija and Vrankić, Martina and Crnčević, Doris and Šenjug, Pavla and Pajić, Damir and Odžak, Renata and Šprung, Matilda and Nakić, Kristian and Marciuš, Marijan and Prkić, Ante and Mitar, Ivana}}, title = {{Plant-Mediated Synthesis of Magnetite Nanoparticles with Matricaria chamomilla Aqueous Extract}}, } @phdthesis{fkit:1306, author = {{Paut, Andrea}}, title = {{Development and application of ion-selective electrode membranes doped with metal oxides nanoparticles for iron cations determination}}, } @mastersthesis{ktfst:285, author = {{Sedlar, Andrea}}, title = {{Izolacija i identifikacija hlapljivih sumporovih spojeva odabranih biljaka porodice Brassicaeceae}}, }